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The education is fundamental to all-round human development. Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country. Countries with higher and better levels of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of world of work. It is an unique investment for harnessing the country’s demographic dividend. In India, there is a great demand – supply mismatch and it the needs more skilled workforce for the expanding economy. The contemporary focus on skill building or skill development in India is derived from the changing demographic profiles in India.
India, as present, is recognized as one of the youngest nations in the world with over 50% of the population under 30 years. It is estimated that by about 2025, India will have the 25% of the total global workforce. The opportunity to reap the benefits of “demographic dividend” has to be utilized only with the skilled workforce. Evidently, apart from meeting its own demand, India has the potential to become the worldwide hub for outsourcing skilled manpower. The GoI has set-up a target to impart necessary skills to about 500 million people by 2022, in line with the forecast of requirement for skilled manpower in future. For this purpose, the UGC is implementing three schemes .


Under National Skill Qualification Programme of University Grants Commission, New Delhi, the new-generation BVoc Courses based on the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) approved by AICTE are offered to address the critical knowledge and skill-sets required to make the candidate “industry ready” and also shape “young-entrepreneurs” in the relevant sectors.
The Skill-Development component will provide students with appropriate domain based skill, knowledge, practice and professional attitude, so as to become work ready. The General Component which is about 40% of the total curriculum gives adequate emphasis to current affairs, languages and communication skills. The new generation BVoc Courses which are based on contemporary curricula, therefore, provide a new direction and thrust to skill development in the various sectors which operate in a globally competitive environment.
The initiative is a significant one as it goes a long way in promoting skill-based competency modules where a student can undergo skill-based learning and have both lateral and vertical mobility. Such an arrangement would encourage employability, and also flexibility to pursue formal education and take up appropriate jobs at the end of different levels of certification. The programme offers multiple exit options, wherein after the first year, the candidate can exit with a Diploma in a specific skill area or can move to BA/BSc of maximum duration of two and a half years.  After two years, the candidate can exit with Advanced Diploma in the skill or, if he/she so desires, can move towards BTech of maximum duration of Three years. After earning the BVoc degree, he/she has two options viz. (a) to start a micro level enterprise or (b) move to a master’s course followed by research in the specific skill area.

B.VOC degree is valid for all the government jobs.

B.voc scheme is running the two types.

Consolidated List of Universities/Colleges for B.VOC. Degree Programme

B.voc streams

the following streams under the bvoc for science, arts,commerce .

1. 3D animation
2. Agribusiness  &Agrarian Entrepreneurship
3. Agricultural Operations and Management
4. Agriculture
5. Apparel Design
6. Applied Clinical Psychology
7. Automobile
8. Automotive Technology
9. Banking, Stock & Insurance
10. Beauty & wellness
11. Biochemical Techniques
12. Biomedical Science
13. Broadcasting & Journalism
14. Building Construction Technology
15. Business Process Outsourcing
16. Chemical technology
17. Cloud Computing
18. Desktop Printing and Printing Technology;
19. Desktop Publishing
20. Diary Technology
21. Digital Journalism
22. Electronic Media
23. Export & Import Management
24. Farm equipment operation & Maintenance
25. Fashion Photography & Journalism
26. Food Processing and Value Addition
27. Footwear and Accessories
28. Fruit & Vegetable Processing
29. Global Professionals in Beauty & Aesthetics
30. Green House Management
31. Handicraft
32. Hardware networking
33. Health Care
34. Hospitality & Tourism Management
35. Hospitality management
36. II Financial & Marketing Services
37. Industrial Automation
38. Industrial Waste Management
39. Insurance & Financial Market
40. Interior Design
41. IT/Ites
42. Jyotish and Karmakand
43. Landscape Design
44. Management & Secretarial Practices
45. Mass Communication
46. Media & Convergance
47. Medical Electrophysiology
48. Medical Lab
49. Mobile Phone Application Development
50. Music
51. Networking and Mobile Applications
52. Nutrition and Dietetics
53. Office automation & E-services
54. Pharma Analytical Scheme
55. Pharmaceutical analysis & QA
56. Plumbing
57. Production Technology (Tools & Die)
58. Radio Imaging Technology
59. Readymade Garments
60. Renewable Energy and Building Technology
61. Retail Management and IT
62. Software & E- Governance
63. Software Development
64. Software Development
65. Soil & Water
66. Sports Nutrition & Physiotherapy
67. Supply Chain & Logistics
68. Technology in Electrical and Electronic devices
69. Technology& Management Consulting
70. Textile Design
71. Theatre & Stage Craft
72. Theatre and Television
73. Tourism & Hospitality Management
74. Tourism and Travel Management
75. Trouble Shooting and Maintenance of Electrical and Electronics Equipments
76. Value Added Aquaculture
77. Vastushastra and Interior Design
78. Web Design
79. Yogic Science


1. Accounting & Taxation
2. Advanced Telecom Technologies
3. Agriculture
4. Analytic
5. Animation & Graphic Design
6. Apparel Manufacturing
7. Applied Arts
8. Applied Computer Technology
9. Automobile Electricals and Electronics
10. Automobiles
11. Automotive
12. Banking & Financial Services
13. Beauty Therapy and Aesthetics
14. Broadcasting & Journalism
15. Building Construction Technology
16. Business Process and Data Analytics
17. Catering Technology and Hotel Management
18. Clinical and Aqua Lab. Technology
19. Commercial Aquaculture
20. Contemporary Form of Dance
21. Dairy Products & Processing
22. Data and Web Analytics
23. Digital Film Production
24. Digital Media & Animation
25. E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
26. Electricity Production and Power Plant Maintenance
27. Electronic Equipments Repair & Maintenance
28. Entertainment (Acting)
29. Environmental Assessment and Remediation
30. Farm Equipments and Machinary
31. Fashion Design & Management
32. Fashion Designing
33. Fashion Technology
34. Fashion Technology and Apparel Designing
35. Film Making and Dramatics
36. Financial Market and Services
37. Floriculture & Landscape Gardening
38. Food Processing & Engineering
39. Food Processing and Quality Management
40. Food Processing Technology
41. Foundry Technology
42. Furniture Development
43. Garment Designing
44. Gemmology
45. Graphic Design
46. Green House Technology
47. Hardware Technology and Networking
48. Horticulture Science
49. Hospital Instrumentation and Management
50. Industrial Aquaculture and Fisheries
51. Industrial Automation
52. Industrial Microbiology
53. Industrial Waste Treatment Technology
54. Information Technology
55. Interior Desinging
56. Jewellery Designing
57. Journalism & Mass communication
58. Live Stock Production & Management
59. Logistics Management
60. Marketing Management & IT
61. Mass Media/ Communication
62. Medical Lab and Molecular Diagnostic Technology
63. Modern Office Practices
64. Multimedia
65. Networking & System Administration
66. Nursery Management Technology
67. Nutrition and Health Care Science
68. Paramedical and Health Administration
69. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
70. Photography & Videography
71. Plant Propagation
72. Plumbing
73. Polymer and Coating Technology
74. Printing and Publishing
75. Production Technology (Tool & Die)
76. Rational Drug Design
77. Real Estate Management
78. Refrigeration and Air conditioning
79. Renewable Energy Management
80. Retail Management
81. Retail Management and IT
82. Retail Marketing
83. Rubber Technology
84. Sericulture
85. Small Tea Garden Management
86. Software Development
87. Software Development and Systems Administration
88. Soil and Water Conservation
89. Solar Energy
90. Sports Nutrition and Physiotherapy
91. Sugar Technology
92. Sustainable Agriculture
93. Sustainable Energy Management
94. Textile and Ginning Technology
95. Textile Design
96. Theatre & Stage Craft
97. Tourism and Hospitality Management
98. Tourism and Travel Management
99. Traditional Arts & Crafts
100. Unarmed Security Guard
101. Vehicle Testing
102. Visual  Media  &  Film Making
103. Web Technologies and Multimedia

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India largest vocational study center daylbagh educational institute
there are following streams in this university


Eligibility for BVoc Programme 

             (a) BVoc in Dairy Technology: 10+2 or an equivalent certificate.

(b)BVoc in Renewable Energy:  (10+2) with PCM or an equivalent certificate.

(c)  BVoc in Textile:  Female candidates with 10+2 or an equivalent certificate.

(d)  BVoc in Automobile: Male candidates (10+2) with PCM or an equivalent certificate.
(e) BVoc in Apparel Design: Female candidates with 10+2 or an equivalent certificate.
(f)   BVoc in Food Processing:Female candidates with 10+2 or an equivalent certificate. 
(g)   BVoc in Agriculture technology :candidates with 10+2 with PCB OR PCM equivalent certificate.
(h) BVoc in Internet of things:(10+2) with PCM or an equivalent certificate.
(I)BVoc in  Water Sanitation & Solid waste Management:10+2 or an equivalent certificate.

                                             Master of Vocation (MVoc)



Education plays an important role in the overall development of a human being as well as the nation. It is a unique investment in the present and for the future. Every country develops its own system of education to express and promote its unique socio-cultural identity besides meeting the challenges of time to leverage the existing potential opportunities. India, at present, is recognized as one of the youngest nations of the world with over 50% of population under the age of 30 years. It is estimated that by 2025, India will have 25% of the world’s total workforce. In order to harness the full demographic dividend, India needs high quality educational system which is affordable, flexible and relevant to the individuals, as well as to needs of the society as a whole. Today, the country faces a demand – supply mismatch as the economy needs more ‘skilled’ workforce as also the managers and entrepreneurs than produced annually. In fact, majority of the contemporary institutions of higher learning remain almost disconnected with the requirements of the workplace. The higher education system has to incorporate the requirements of various industries in its curriculum, in an innovative and flexible manner while producing well-groomed graduates. UGC introduced two schemes known as – Community Colleges and BVoc Degree Programme in universities and colleges during the XII Plan. However, there is a need for taking integrated initiatives towards knowledge acquisition and up-gradation of skilled human competencies in universities and colleges to address the emerging needs of the economy so as to ensure that the graduates have adequate knowledge and skills to get appropriately employed or become entrepreneurs and, thereby, meet the economic and industrial needs at the regional and national level. Government of India, taking note of the requirement for skill development among students developed National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF) which was later on assimilated into National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF). Various Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) are developing Qualification Packs (QPs), National Occupational Standards (NOSs) and assessment mechanisms in their respective domains, in alignment with the needs of the industry.
In view of this, the UGC implemented the scheme of Community Colleges from 2013-14 in pilot modes on the initiative of the MHRD. However, realizing the importance and the necessity for developing skills among students, and creating work-ready manpower on large scale, the Commission decided to implement the scheme of Community Colleges as one of its independent schemes from the year 2014-15. The Commission also launched another scheme of BVoc Degree programme to expand the scope of vocational education and also to provide vertical mobility to the students admitted in Community Colleges for Diploma programmes to a degree programme in the Universities and Colleges. While these two schemes are being implemented, it is also realized that there is a need to give further push to vocational education on an even larger scale. It is therefore proposed to establish as many as 100 ‘Deen Dayal Upadhyay Centres for Knowledge Acquisition and upgradation of Skilled Human Abilities and Livelihood (KAUSHAL)’ during the XII Plan period. These Centres would take-up the vocational education to new levels and offer courses beyond BVoc Degree too. These Centres would also embed and follow the guiding principles of NSQF, QPs, and NOSs for their programmes and would not focus on skilling alone but also develop entrepreneurship traits. The Centres may endeavour to maintain a pyramidal structure of student enrolment with respect to Diploma, Advanced Diploma, BVoc and further studies.
Eligibility: There may be three types of learners getting admission to the first semester of skill-based courses under NSQF:

Category – 1 : Students who have already acquired NSQF certification Level 7 in a particular industrial sector and opted for admission in the skill based courses under NSQF in the institutions recognized under Community Colleges/BVoc Degree program/DDU KAUSHAL Kendras in same trade with job role for which he/she was previously certified.

Category – 2 : Students who have acquired NSQF certification Level 7 but may like to change their trade and may enter into skill-based courses in a different trade(candidate has to take up Skill Bridge course during semester I/II).

Category – 3:Students who have passed Bachelor degree examination with at least second class from a recognized University.
Candidates who have passed an equivalent examination from any other University or examining body and are seeking admission to the Master of Vocation course, will be required to provide necessary eligibility certificate

                                                           Academic Equivalance

National Skill Qualifications Framework (NSQF) has defined 10 levels of competency. Some School Boards are providing Level-4 certificate which is being considered as equivalent to Class-XII. UGC has written to all universities that students coming out with Level-4 certificates in Vocational Education should be given equal weightage and considered for admission into degree courses.
UGC has laid down Diploma, Advance Diploma and B.Voc. Degree programme under NSQF which are considered equivalent to Level-5, 6 and 7 of NSQF respectively.UGC guidelines for B.Voc.degreeprogramme provide for the following :-

AwardCreditsCorresponding NSQF level
Advance Diploma1206
B.Voc. degree1807

Although academic higher education courses (such as academic degrees) are not covered in the NSQF, it may be broadly aligned with the prevailing framework for higher education qualifications, allowing levels of acquired competency to be compared with the academic degrees as suggested below :

LevelExpected Level of competency as defined under NSQFProposed Academic equivalence
Level –1No responsibility, always works under continuous instruction and close supervision.Pertains to school level education
Level – 2 No responsibility, works under instruction and close supervision.Pertains to school level education
Level - 3Works under close supervision. Some responsibilities for own work within defined limit.Pertains to school level education
Level – 4Responsibility for own work and learning.Pertains to school level education
Level - 5Responsibility for own work and learning and some responsibility for other’s work and learning.Diploma
Level - 6Responsibility for own work and learning and full responsibility for other’s works and learning.Advance Diploma
Level - 7Full responsibility for output of group and development.Graduation
Level - 8Exercise management and supervision in the context of work/ study having unpredictable changes, responsible for development of self and others.Honours at Under-Graduate level
Level - 9Responsible for decision making in complex technical activities, involving unpredictable study/work situations.Masters
Level - 10Responsible for strategic decisions in unpredictable complex situations of work/study.Doctoral

The UGC guidelines for Curricular Aspects, Assessment Criteria and Credit System for Skill based Vocational Courses have defined credits for specific NSQF level as above which may utilize as a tool for equivalence to the academic qualifications at par with equal number of credits awarded by any institutions in related specializations.




thanking you




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